8 Traits of a great coach.
I believe:
1. Great coaches have a positive life impact on the world.
2. Anyone can become a great coach.
But what does being a 'great' coach actually mean?
It's a good question, with a complex answer...I believe it boils down to these eight core traits:
1. Deep domain knowledge
If not an expert, you have to at least be very experienced in (or at least a have an expert understanding & knowledge of) the thing you are coaching. Confidence is displayed, and felt, when knowledge of a thing is like 2nd nature.
2. Compassion
You have to want to help others to learn and to get better. To understand & appreciate the struggle it will be for them to get where you both want them to be.
3. Patience
You have to be willing to work, and wait, through the failure that is required for growth.
4. Organized
You have to know what's coming, and what order, you will guide people through things at all times. Communication & collaboration is easier when your organized.
5. Prepared
Related to being organized, you have to have a plan and backup plans for each of the unexpected things you know *might* come up. Even with deep experience, & knowledge, you can't just wing it and you can't be caught off guard in the moment.
6. Approachable
Different people learn in different ways. You have to be able to connect to, and communicated with, each. Fear is a short term motivator, common goals & a sense of connection yields lifelong results.
7. Accessible
Coaching isn't a 9 to 5 job. Related to being approachable, you also have to be available.
8. Giving
Ultimately coaching, teaching, mentoring is all about giving. The giving of your time, your energy, your knowledge, & your passion. You have to want to share it all if you want those you are coaching to be as successful as they can be.