Back when I was writing PDFs and books, after missing many many deadlines, I learned that the secret to achieving your writing goal was to simply write every day.
Even if it wasn't very good, or you didn't write very much for a given day, just write every day.
Especially when you don't feel like writing, write every day.
If you follow this advice, sooner rather than later you'll find your voice and you'll find that you are becoming very efficient and productive towards your writing goal.
I applied this same concept to programming as well (and I've committed some version of code to Github every single day since Oct. 24th, 2014 -- prior to that I was mostly using a self hosted subversion system that did track daily streaks).
But the point is, if you want to get good at coding, write code every single day.
Even if it's just a simple little program or one tiny function that does something you think is trivial.
Because it's as much about the process and habit of coding as it is the specific thing you're coding.
And really, I think this expands to almost any goal in life, including building a business as well.
No matter what you want to build towards, the challenge is to just do at least a little of it every single day and focus on building the habit first. As you build the habit, your skills and your ambition improve...and before you know it, and as you learn to apply your habit in productive ways, you'll find yourself well on your way to a mastery level!